Saturday, May 17, 2008

Top Coat

The pictures are of the first coat of epoxy on the deck. Following a suggestion from West System Epoxy, I used a cut section of a paint roller to apply the resin. This works well because the hardness of the roller allows you to force the resing into the glass, spread the resin around and somewhat squeege the excess epoxy to sections that need resin.

QOD: Tip the world over on its side and everything loose will land in Los Angles. Frank Lloyd Wright. (1869-1959)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Lift and Separate

Last feature before glassing the top is the day hatch. I purchased a store bought cover for the boat. Contrary to the theme of the boat but the hatch cover is a great design and easily pops on and off although building the collar to match the cover was a challenge (center picture).

QOD: Forgiveness is giving up all hope of having a better past. Anne Lamontt.