Sunday, November 30, 2008

One Boat

One year to the day and the kayak is now one complete shell. It was a push to hit this goal, but the boat is now together. The first picture shows all of the ropes that I used to pull the deck and hull together. I tied loops of ropes and then used a stick to twist the ropes and tighten the loops like a tourniquet. One big tip, Guillemot suggest tipping the boat on end and pouring epoxy down the tip to seal the bow and stern. A WAY easier method is to just seal the last 12" of raw wood before you put the two halves together and don't worry about pouring epoxy in the ends.

The second picture is of the latch for the hatches. Securing the hatches seems to be be bane of any kayak builder. Installing 3 big black straps across a nice piece of woodwork, as a hold down, is a crime. The latches I'm building will have a toggle on the top and the hook and slot shown on inside. We will find out if it is a convenient and water tight method.

QOD: Latin Phrase: In Vino Veritas. Meaning, in wine there is truth. I found this phrase in the cabin log books that my dad left us for capturing our adventures at the wonderful log cabin he left his 7 children in trust.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hatching a Seal

The first picture is of the trough that I built to go between the deck and the hull where the rudder will be tucked. The second picture is of the core pieces that I will cover with carbon fiber for the rudder and the rudder pivot.

The third picture is of the carbon fiber of the hatch gasket grooves being formed under the weight of wet sand. One Ocean says that this is the closest to vacuum bagging and I think it works quite well. The fourth picture is the carbon fiber gasket groove ring and the rear hatch opening. Note the two stainless steel hold-downs that will act similar to two hinge points that will be opposite of the hatch latch.
QOD: What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal. Albert Pine.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Back in the Saddle

It's been at least two months since I've kicked up some saw dust but I just got done shaping the rudder so I can now officially blog on. I need to refine the rudder and the rudder mount because I'm planning on recessing the rudder in the deck of the boat. I need to create the recess for the rudder along with the hatch seals before I can assemble the two halves together.

What has been keeping me busy for the last few months has been a Moose hunting trip in the BWCA. If you are interested in reading about this, click here:

QOD: Never explain-your friends don't need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway. Elbert Hubbard (1856-1915)