Bro-In-Law, Jim was in town so of course there was more boat building to be had. With the help of Matt and Express Composites, I got to do some real vacuum bagging. I did a small vac bag project for one of my paddles previously but borrowing Matt's vac pump and supplies from EC I was making a project that really sucked. The rudder bag held it's vac without the pump cycling which was great to see. The vac on Jim's back rest had a small leak and the pump would cycle once every 15-20 min but it still worked quite well.
We also got out on the water on Sunday 15-Mar. The Miss R. was moving quite fast so our upstream paddle took 10 times longer than our down stream paddle. Great warm day to be on the water. I had to squeeze into Jan's boat and Jim used mine.
QOD: Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength. Eric Hoffer (1902-1983)