Thursday, April 10, 2008

Deck The Halls

It is hard to tell from this pictures but I tapered the strips towards the bow and stern. Not having a consistent width made it harder to get the left and right side to line up but I think that it will be worth it.

Now for a blog Moment: Jeff Jim and I got out paddling on Sunday 6-Apr. We put in on the Crow River just S of Crow-Hassen park, paddled to Dayton where they served us tall cool ones and hot burger and fries, and then on down the Miss to our house. 7 hr trip, 5 hrs of paddling and it only rained when we were on the river. Good thing we all had good warm comfy gear.

QOD: It’s always been about the experience of life and of not being passive. If something so excites my curiosity, I want to go there, be part of whatever it is that’s either pushing me or pulling me towards it. That desire for experience has made me very rich in life experience. Tish Grier.

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