Sunday, August 17, 2008


It has been too long since I've posted but, hey, it's summer. Who wants to be inside. I've had to put Jan's boat on hold for a number of things...Heading to Fargo for my daughter Molly, to put a fuel pump in her car, Shocks and ball joints in my blazer, yadayada (you don't want to hear about this kind of work). Progress has been made on Jan's boat but that will be another post.

The biggest delay was from working on my boat. People inevitably ask "how long did it take to make your boat". Some day when I finish I will be able to answer that question. This summer I needed to finally get my rudder working. It has been on the boat since the initial splash but it has been mostly for show, especially for the 06 state fair. The impending 9-July trip to the Apostles needed a good rudder and with the weather we had I sure was glad I had it working.

For our July trip we had Jill, Jeff, Matt, and my son Jake. We didn't get to two of the islands that we had planned, but we had quite an adventure. There were some tall seas so I was very proud and happy that Jake was a solid paddler and the only one I had to worry about, was me. Ask sometime and we would love to bore you with the details.

The two pictures are: 1) Heading out to "Play" in the waves. Lesson learned: When you biff in tall seas, turn the boat into the waves so when you do get into the boat you will be able to see what's coming. 2) Look'n like the tropics and feeling pretty much the same. A glorious time was had by all.

QOD: Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day. Give a fish a man, and he will eat for weeks! Takayuki Ikkaku, Arisa Hosaka and Toshihiro Kawabata, Animal Crossing: Wild World, 2005

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